Wednesday 17 December 2014

Christmas Break

It's Christmas time again... a hectic, busy time for most of us.

It's always busy right after AU. It was great this year to catch up with my friends and colleagues as well as bloggers I look up too including Robert Green, Paul Aubin and Steve Shell, Shaan Hurley Guys who are passionate about the industry and sharing information. 
Not to mention everyone else I meet at AU!

I'll be taking a break from Blogging over the Xmas break but I have big plans for 2015.

Along with the changes coming from Autodesk (which I'll be talking about) I too will be "revamping" the Revit Jedi brand and focusing more on BIM and BIM processes, don't want to spoil the surprise.. so you'll have to wait till January.

I also hope to be presenting at a number of events again this year on BIM Management and BIM/Project processes.

Take care over the holidays.


The kids waiting for Santa!

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful boys!!!! Congratulations for your work and for share it to us. Happy Christmas and happy new year!
